Notifications and alerts

Notifications and alerts

Whistle Willow has the ability to notify your compliance team when new reports are received or when compliance alerts are triggered.

To get notifications from Whistle Willow add a group or mailing list address in the “Program Settings” tab as a Whistle Willow admin.

The report notification emails only inform your compliance team about receiving a new report but provide no details on its content, type or other information. This is one to make sure all report-specific data stays in your organization’s Atlassian instance.

Compliance alerts

This type of alert is triggered when your program has reports that are under risk or already breach compliance requirements of the EU regulations for whistleblowing.

All reports in the “Submitted” state should be moved to “Acknowledged” within 7 days after submission.

All reports in the “Acknowledged” state should be moved to further states (responded to) within 90 days after submission.

When these deadlines are approaching or are exceeded Whistle Willow sends an email summarizing the total count of reports that are under risk or breach the compliance requirements. No other details about the report's content or type are provided.

These alerts are enabled by default but can be disabled in the same Notification settings page of the Program settings tab.