Language support

Language support

Whistle Willow supports several languages for its whistleblower pages. These include the whistleblower’s portal with instructions on how to submit tips, update tip statuses, communicate with the Compliance team, and answer Frequently Asked Questions.

Every whistleblower can pick the language from the dropdown in the “Submit tip” tab of the portal. This setting will affect the user interface in other application tabs.

Whistle Willow admins can set a default whistleblower portal language in the Program settings:

This will be the default interface language of the whistleblower portal - the users can change it for their session using the dropdown in the “Submit tip” tab.

Is your language not listed?

We want all our customers to be able to deliver the best whistleblower program experience to their employees. Drop us a support ticket and ask for the translation, will make sure to ship it in the next release!

Will the admin pages be translated?

We currently don’t have it in our plans. At the same time, we commit to offering full translations of whistleblower-facing pages in all requested languages on short notice.